
How do I redirect an e-mail to another address (with or without a copy in the original mailbox)?

You can redirect emails to another email address using special filters/rules. The redirected e-mail does not remain in the original mailbox. However, you can save a copy of the forwarded e-mail in the original mailbox.


1. Create Email Filter

  • Access the helloly customer center via
  • Next to the corresponding web hosting package click Log in to cPanel
  • Under Email click on Email Filters
  • Next to the desired email address, click on Manage Filters
  • Click on Create a New Filter
  • Under Filter Name assign a unique name for your filter


2. Define Rules

To define a rule, you must specify three parameters:

  • The examined element
  • The type of comparison
  • The criterion


The examined element

The first parameter specifies which element of an email needs to be analyzed.

From ... The sender address of the email
Subject ... The subject of the email
To ... The address to which the email was sent
Any Recipients ... One of the recipients of the email
Reply ... The address to which the sender receives replies
Body ... The message of the email
Any Header ... Any part of the email header
Has Not Been Previously Delivered ... Only emails that remain in the delivery queue are examined
Is An Error Message ... Only error messages sent by an auto-response system are examined
List ID ... Mailing lists of the e-mail account are examined
Spam Status ... It is checked whether Apache SpamAssasin™ has classified an email as spam. The spam status starts with either Yes or No
Spam Bar ... The content of the Spam Bar header generated by Apache SpamAssasin™ for this email is examined. The more '+' characters the Apache SpamAssasin™ has assigned to a message, the higher the probability that it is spam.
Spam Score ... The sum of all '+' characters is analyzed as an integer value.


The type of comparison

The second parameter defines the type of comparison between the examined part of the email and the criterion you enter below.

contains ... The element contains (among other things) the criterion
matches regex ... The element corresponds to the criterion of a regular expression
does not contain ... The element does not contain the criterion
equals ... The element contains exactly the criterion
begins with ... The element begins with the criterion
ends with ... The element ends with the criterion
does not begin ... The element does not begin with the criterion
does not end with ... The element does not end with the criterion
does not match ... The element does not exactly match the criterion

The following comparisons are only available for spam score
is above (numbers only) ... The spam score is above the number in the criterion
is not above (numbers only) ... The spam score is not above the number in the criterion
is below (numbers only) ... The spam score is below the number in the criterion
is not below (numbers only) ... The spam score is not below the number in the criterion


The criterion

The third parameter is the criterion according to which the rule is to be executed. Possible criteria are ...

  • an e-mail address
  • a domain
  • a (surname) name
  • a spam rating
  • etc.
  • Note: You can also combine several rules. To do this, click on the '+' symbol.


3. Define Action

Once you have created a filter and rules, you still need to define an action.

Discard message ... The incoming e-mail is discarded without an error message
Redirect to Email ... The incoming e-mail is forwarded to the specified address without a copy
Fail with message ... The incoming e-mail is discarded and the sender receives an error message
Stop processing rules ... The system does not execute any further actions or rules
Deliver to Folder ... The e-mail is delivered to a specific folder
Pipe to a Program ... The incoming e-mail is sent to a defined program. Learn more.

Note: You can also create multiple actions. To do this, click on the '+' symbol.


Optional: Store a copy of the redirected email in the original mailbox

  • Create another action by clicking on the '+' symbol click
  • For this action, select the option Deliver to folder
  • You can now select the mailbox folder in which a copy of the email will be stored. To do this, click on Browse
  • If you want a copy in the inbox, select the folder INBOX
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