
How do I add a Blog to my website?

Add Blog

  • Drag the Blog element from the Main Toolbar onto your website
  • Choose a blog layout
  • Switch to the Right Toolbar and under the Blog tab click on New Blog Post
  • Add Picture, Title, Date, Time, CategoryStatus and Short text (Description)
  • Compose your blog post within the Text field
  • If you use a dark background with a light font on your website, you can darken the background in the text area using the small icon at the bottom right.


Customize the Blog

All customizations are made in the Right Toolbar

  • Text tab 
    • Title style Define the font, color, size, line height, style, alignment, letter spacing and font scale factors (for different devices) for the blog title
    • Date style – Define the font, color, size, line height, style, alignment, letter spacing and font scale factors (for different devices) for the date information
    • Text style – Define the font, color, size, line height, style, alignment, letter spacing and font scale factors (for different devices) for the body text
  • Blog tab
    • Layout – Choose a layout for your blog
    • Category – Select the category that is displayed in this blog element. You can place blog elements on several pages and select the category to be displayed in each case.
    • Background – Specify the background color of the blog element
    • Caption background – Specify the background color and transparency of the label background (blog title, date, description)
  • Listing tab
    • Items per page – Specify how many blog articles should be displayed per page
    • Description length Specify how many characters should be displayed in the description
    • Display date – Show or hide the date in the blog overview
    • Display title Show or hide the title in the blog overview
    • Display description Show or hide article description in the blog overview
    • Disable anchor navigation Deactivate scrolling to the blog element if it is not at the top of the page
  • Thumbnails tab Features may vary according to the chosen layout
    • Use thumbnails – Determine whether a thumbnail should be displayed in the blog overview
    • Width, height – Specify the width and/or height of the thumbnail
    • Padding – Determine the spacing between the individual thumbnails
    • Align  Determine the alignment of the thumbnails
  • Homepage Baukasten, Website Builder, Blog
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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