
How do I use the Form element?

Add Form

  • Drag the Form element from the Main Toolbar onto your website
  • Select a template


Customize Form

  • Click on the Form element on your website to select it.
    • Please note: Some of the templates offered are layouts that consist of several elements (text, image, form). In the page structure, you can see whether you have actually selected the form element.
  • In the Right Toolbar, under the Form tab, select the function Edit Form
  • Each form field has four properties:
    • Type - Here you can specify whether the form field should be text, an e-mail address or a drop-down list. For certain types, a pencil for editing appears, which lets you adjust further settings (e.g. minimum or maximum text length ...)
      • Tip: It is best to try out all form field types once
    • Name - Enter the name of the form field (e.g. Street, First Name ...)
    • Placeholder - To make it clear to visitors what form of input you expect, you can enter a placeholder text
      • Note: Certain types of form fields do not allow placeholder text (e.g. Radio box)
    • Required - If a form field is mandatory, you can define this here
  • To change the order of the form fields, drag the double arrow symbol at the beginning of the line to the desired position
  • With the function +Add option you can add further form fields
  • When you have finished designing your form, click Apply
  • In the Right Toolbar, under the Form tab, you will find the function Layout with the options Vertical and Horizontal to determine the alignment of the form fields


Send Form

  • Send Form to an e-mail
    • In the Right Toolbar, under the tab Form, enter ...
      • ... the e-mail address to which the form should be sent into the field Form will be sent to this E-mail
      • ... the e-mail address from which the form is sent into the field Form will be sent from this E-mail
      • ... the desired subject into the field With subject
      • ... the message that is displayed to the visitor when the form has been successfully sent into the field Form sent Message
  • Send Form to a website
    • In the Right Toolbar, under the Form tab, activate the function Submit to URL instead to send the form directly to your website. To do this, enter the domain of your Website.
  • Show incoming forms in the Website Builder
    • To display incoming forms directly within the Website Builder, select the function Inquire under the Form tab in the Right Toolbar


Customize Form Button

  • Within the Right Toolbar, under the Button tab, you can customize the Submit button text. You can also ...
    • ... add an Item icon and determine its position
    • ... state a website under URL after submit which will be displayed to the visitor after submitting the form
    • ... define the alignment of the button under Align
    • ... determine the Font
    • ... determine the Background
    • ... add a Border
    • ... add a Shadow
    • ... adjust the Spacing


Individualize Form Fields

  • Within the Right Toolbar, under the Fields tab, you can ...
    • ... determine the Font
    • ... determine the Background
    • ... add a Border
    • ... adjust the Spacing
    • ... add a Shadow


Customize the Form Label

  • In the Right Toolbar, under the Labels tab, you can ...
    • ... determine the Font
    • ... determine the column width of the label by using the function Label Column Width function (only available with position Left)
    • ... specify the Position of the label


Set up SMTP for sending Forms by Email

To be able to send forms by e-mail, you must set up SMTP

  • Within the Right Toolbar, under the SMTP tab, click on SMTP Enable
  • Your SMTP host is your domain with the addition mail. in front of it. If your domain is "", then your SMTP host is
  • For the SMTP Port enter 465
  • For the SMTP Encryption select SSL
  • For SMTP username enter the e-mail address of the account from which you want to send the form
  • For SMTP Password enter the password of the e-mail account from which you want to send the form
  • Homepage Baukasten, Website Builder
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