
How do I customize the article overview in the store?

  • Select the Commerce element on your website
  • In the Right Toolbar go for Listing, where you can adjust the following settings:
    • Category – In the Category drop-down list, you can specify which product categories should be displayed.
    • Items per page – Specify how many products should be displayed per page.
    • Show sorting dropdown – Displays a drop-down list that allows customers to sort products by price (ascending/descending) and by date
    • Show item list view switch – shows two buttons at the top right of the drop-down list for sorting, which can be used to switch between list view and thumbnail view
    • Show "Add to cart" button – displays an "Add to cart" button for each product
      • only works if you have created a shopping cart
    • Show "Buy Now" button displays a button for each product that bypasses the shopping cart and takes the visitor directly to the checkout
    • Show created/modified dates displays the creation or modification date under the product image on the details page of a product
    • Show discount label inserts a label in the product image for discounted products that shows the discount rate
    • Disable anchor navigation – if a visitor clicks on the second page in the store element, they automatically land on top of the website. If the anchor navigation is activated (no checkmark set), the visitor automatically lands on the second page back at the Store element (our recommendation)

Please note: Some changes don't show within the website builder but do in the Preview or Published mode

  • Homepage Baukasten, Website Builder
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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