
How do I set my Shipping Options?

  • Select the Commerce element on your website
  • In the Right Toolbar, under Store, go for Shipping Methods
  • Add a shipping option by clicking +Add Item
  • Name your shipping method (e.g. EU standard) in the Item Name field
  • Create a Destination zone by clicking the Pencil for Editing (e.g. EU)
    • Add a zone by clicking +Add object
    • Give your destination zone an Item Name
    • Select the Countries in your target zone to which you are delivering
    • Confirm with Apply
  • Next, select the Type of your shipping option. The following are available:
    • Free
    • Flat rate - enter a shipping flat rate
    • By weight - you can enter a weight for each item. This is then added together in the shopping cart to determine the shipping costs. Whether you enter the weight in grams or kilograms is up to you. The only important thing is that you use the same unit for the shipping options and the items. Click on +Add Range to define a weight class. Three input fields will appear in which you can enter the weight from, the weight to and the shipping costs.
    • By subtotal - You can set the shipping costs depending on the turnover. To do so, click on +Add Range. Three input fields appear in which you enter the turnover from, the turnover to and the shipping costs.
  • Finally, you can enter the Estimated Delivery Time (days)
  • Add as many shipping options as you need.
  • Finally, click on Apply
  • Homepage Baukasten, Website Builder
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