
How do I integrate Telegram on my website?

Integrate Telegram

  • Drag the Social element from the Main Toolbar onto your website
  • Select Telegram Post
  • In the Right Toolbar, under the Telegram Tab, enter the Link to Telegram post


Customize the Telegram integration

In the Right Toolbar, under the Telegram tab, you can customize your Telegram integration in the following ways:

  • Author photo:
    You can display the author's photo in the following ways: Always show, always hide or change the setting to Auto set
  • Dark theme:
    You can set a dark theme by ticking Dark theme
  • Accent color:
    Here you can adjust the accent color
  • Size:
    In the Right Toolbar, under the Size tab, you can adjust the size of the integration.
  • Homepage Baukasten, Website Builder, Telegram
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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