
How do you make a website responsive after importing it?

Imported websites sometimes need to be optimized for different devices. A web design that adapts seamlessly to different devices is called responsive.


  1. Go for the Page structure on the right-hand side
  2. Go through the entire structure and check all elements of the horizontal and vertical layout type
  3. In the Right Toolbar go for the tab Size. Check all elements for the following settings:
    • Width should preferably be "100%" or "auto"
    • Height should be "auto"
    • All checkboxes Min and Max checkboxes should be deactivated
  4. Check all elements on all pages
  5. Click on Preview to check the result
  6. Use the different views to check the layout for all device classes:
    • Wide
    • Desktop
    • Tablet
    • Mobile


  • Homepage Baukasten, Website Builder, Responsive Design
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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