
How do I use the Text element?

Add text

  • Drag the Text element from the Main Toolbar on your website
  • Select the desired text template
  • Click in the Context Toolbar on Edit Text (alternatively, you can also double-click on the text)
  • Write your text
  • In the Context Toolbar you will find numerous formatting options such as bold, italic, flush right...
  • When you are finished, click on Done


Rich text editor: Editing text

First select the section of text you want to format and then click on the desired formatting option.



  • 1 - Bold
  • 2 - Italic
  • 3 - Underline
  • 4 - Set text color
  • 5 - Delete formatting
  • 6 - Left-aligned
  • 7 - Centered
  • 8 - Flush right
  • 9 - Write justified text
  • A - Insert/remove numbered list
  • B - Insert/remove list
  • C - Insert/edit link (CMD+K / CTRL+K)
  • D - Remove link
  • E - Set anchor link
  • F - Show more functions (strikethrough, subscript, superscript, background color, font size, show blocks)
  • H - Define text styles
  • J - Select text templates


Customizing the text

  • Links:
    Select the text section to be linked and click on C - Insert link
  • Anchor:
    Select the text excerpt to be linked and click on E - Set anchor
  • Homepage Baukasten, Website Builder, Text
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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