
How do I integrate a music player (MP3 player)?

Integrate Music Player

  1. Drag the Media element from the Main Toolbar to your website
  2. Select the template Music player
  3. In the Right Toolbar, under the Music tab, you will find the function MP3 file(s). Click on the Pencil for Editing to upload music tracks
  4. With a click on the function Start playing when page is loaded you can play the music as soon as the page has loaded.
    Note: Some browsers do not allow this function. Many visitors find it annoying when music is played without their intervention.


Customize music player

  1. Size:
    In the Right Toolbar,under the Size tab, you can adjust the player size or select Allow to adjust size automatically
  • Homepage Baukasten, Website Builder, MP3-Player
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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