
How do I place a video on my website?

There are various ways to embed videos on your website.


Option 1 - Integrate media player (e.g. YouTube)

  1. Drag the Media element from the Main Toolbar onto your website
  2. Select the variant YouTube
  3. In the Right Toolbar, under the YouTube tab, enter the YouTube Link or ID
  4. In the Right Toolbar, under the Size tab, you can define the size of your video


Option 2 - Upload video from your computer

  1. Drag the Media element from the Main Toolbar onto your website
  2. Select the variant video
  3. In the Right Toolbar, under the Video tab, look for Video and click the Pencil for Editing
  4. Select your desired video or upload it with the Upload new file function and confirm with a click on Select
  5. In the Right Toolbar, under the Size tab, you can define the size of your video


Option 3 - Upload video from your computer (video is played in the background)

  1. Drag the Shape element from the Main Toolbar onto your website and select a shape
  2. In the Right Toolbar, under the Shape tab, look for Background and click the Pencil for Editing
  3. Go for Image/Video and click on the Pencil for Editing
  4. Click on Upload New File and select the video you want to upload
  5. Select the desired video and confirm with Select
  6. Now you can change the Opacity of your background video and set the start and end time
  • Homepage Baukasten, Website Builder, Video
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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