
Why are some of the terms on my published store or blog website in English?

Some elements (e.g. "Store", "Store Cart", "Blog") may have buttons with their own words. Some values (e.g. "Add to cart", "Price", "Category", etc.) cannot be changed. Sometimes they are published in English and not in the desired language.

The language of these words depends on the language of the website. The language of the website is determined in 2 ways:

  • If you create a multilingual website (with the "Languages" element), the built-in words are translated into the currently selected language of the published website.
  • If you create a monolingual website (without the "Languages" element), the language is determined by the language of the website builder during publication.
    Note: Make sure that you have switched the website builder to the desired language before publishing.
  • Homepage Baukasten, Website Builder
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