
Does helloly offer gzip compression in web hosting?

Yes, gzip compression is available for all web hosting packages and is deactivated by default.


Activate gzip compression

  1. Access the helloly Customer Center via

  2. Under Your Active Products/Services, beside the desired webhosting package, click on Log in to cPanel.

  3. Scroll to the Software section and select the function Optimize Website.

  4. You can now decide to transfer all the content of your website or only certain file types in compressed form:

    1. To transfer all content in compressed form, select Compress All Content

    2. To transfer only certain file types in compressed form, select Compress the specified MIME types. In the following field, you can specify the MIME types that are to be transferred in compressed form.

  5. Confirm your changes by clicking on Update settings.


Note on zlib compression for PHP scripts: The zlib compression for PHP scripts is generally not necessary and can lead to display errors in the browser due to double gzip compression.

  • gzip, gzip-Komprimierung, Website optimieren, gzip compression, website optimization
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