
How do I create e-mail filters?

Global / Individual Email Filters:

  1. Access the helloly customer center via

  2. Under your active products, click on Log in to the cPanel.

  3. You will find two functions in the Email section:

    1. Email filter:
      Select the Email filter function to create filters for individual email accounts.

    2. Global email filters:
      Select the Global email filters function to create filters for all email accounts.


Create Email Filters

  1. To create an individual email filter for a specific email account, select the function Email Filters.

  2. Then select the relevant email account and click on Manage Filters.

  3. Now click on Create a New Filter.

  4. Name your filter under Filter Name.

  5. Under Rules you can now define your filter criteria.

  6. Click on the + button button to add another filter criterion. As soon as you have added another filter criterion, you can decide whether both criteria (and) or just one of the two criteria (or) must apply.

  7. Under Actions you can specify the action that is executed if one and/or all rules apply. You can also add further actions with the + button button.

  8. Finally, create the rule by clicking on Create.


Creating Global Email Filters

  1. To create a global email filter for all email accounts, select the function Global Email Filters.

  2. Now click on Create a New Filter.

  3. Name your filter under Filter name.

  4. Under Rules you can now define your filter criteria.

  5. Click on the + button button to add another filter criterion. As soon as you have added another filter criterion, you can decide whether both criteria (and) or just one of the two criteria (or) must apply.

  6. Under Actions you can specify the action that is executed if one and/or all rules apply. You can also add further actions with the + button button.

  7. Finally, create the rule by clicking on Create.

  • E-Mail-Filter, Globale E-Mail-Filter, Individuelle E-Mail-Filter, E-Mail Filter, Email Filter
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