
What can I do if I have received a quota warning?

What is meant by quota?

The “Quota” refers to the available storage space for a hosting package or an email account. You can define the quota of an email account yourself in the cPanel (within the limits of the hosting package).

You can view the limits of your hosting package under What are the CPU, process and RAM limits at helloly?.

Warnings are automatically sent by e-mail to the stored contact address shortly before quota limits are reached and when the limit is reached. When the e-mail quota (storage space limit of the e-mail account) is reached, the e-mail address concerned also receives a warning.

The storage space limit for your hosting package includes all data on the web space and all e-mail inboxes. If you reach your storage space limit, you will no longer be able to receive emails.


How can I increase the storage space for an e-mail account?

  • Access the customer center via
  • Within the Dashboard, under Your active Products/Services, click Log in to cPanel next to your prefered hosting package.

  • Now select the Email Accounts function under Email

  • Click on Manage next to the desired e-mail account

  • Under Allocated Storage Space, you can increase the storage space for the selected e-mail account

  • Confirm by clicking on Update Email Settings
  • You have successfully increased the e-mail quota


What can I do if the storage space limit of my hosting package has been reached?

cPanel offers several tools for determining the amount of memory used.

For email

  • In the cPanel under Email, select the function Email Disk Usage

  • Now select the corresponding email account under Account: to display the storage space usage

For the web space

  • In the cPanel under Files, select the Disk Usage function

  • Here you can now see all directories and the respective disk space usage

Inode Limit:

An “inode” is part of the management structure of your web space's file system. Every file, every email and every folder (directory) requires an inode on your storage space.

As the number of inodes is limited in the same way as the storage space of your hosting package, the same applies to reaching inode limits as to reaching storage space limits.

The file size is irrelevant for the inode limit. A small image file with 100 KBytes requires just as much of an inode as a 20 GByte zip file, as in both cases it is a single file.

Many small files therefore take up little memory space, but many inodes. You can view your inode limit and the current status of the inodes used on the main page of your cPanel in the info bar on the right under File Usage.

How can I reduce the number of occupied inodes?

  • Remove data that is no longer required
  • Remove old backups
  • When using image scaling plugins: reduce the number of image sizes
  • When using cache plugins: Empty cache, reduce cache size
  • Clean up e-mail accounts (each e-mail also requires an inode)

Of course, you can also book a package upgrade when you reach your storage space limit. If you need even more storage space, our support team will be happy to make you an attractive offer.

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