
What do I have to consider if I want to use an external mail server for my domain(s)?

If you would like to use an external mail server, you must change the routing to "Remote Mail Exchanger" in the cPanel of the domain concerned.

This ensures that our hosting system does not attempt to deliver emails for the domain in question to a mailbox in your hosting package, but that these emails are delivered to the MX set in the DNS.


To switch the e-mail routing to Remote Mail Exchanger

  • Access the client area via

  • Within the Dashoard, under Your Active Products/Services, click Log in to cPanel next to the prefered hosting package.

  • Within the cPanel go for Email and click onto Email Routing

  • If you manage several domains in your hosting package, first select the corresponding domain

  • Under Configure Email Routing choose Remote Mail Exchanger and click Change

  • You have successfully adjusted the e-mail routing


Please note the following when using an external mail server:

  • Within the cPanel, under Domains, in the Zone Editor, you must point the MX record (recognizable by the MX type) to the new mail server accordingly

  • The SPF entry must include the external mail server (an SPF record is always of type TXT and has the formatting: "v=spf1 +a +mx ~all", where the +a stands for the website and +mx for the mail server)

  • If you host your website with helloly, the SPF entry must be retained and supplemented by the SPF entry of the external mail server

  • There must not be multiple SPF entries

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