
Set up email client: Thunderbird (macOS)

Send configuration data by e-mail

You can send the configuration data for an e-mail inbox by e-mail.

  1. Log in to the client area via

  2. Within the Dashboard, under Your Active Products/Services, next to the desired Product, click Log in to cPanel

  3. Go for Email and click onto Email Accounts

  4. Next to the desired Email Address click Connect Devices

  5. At the bottom of the page you find the function Email Instructions

  6. Enter the email address to which the instructions should be sent and click Send


Set up Thunderbird

When you open Thunderbird for the first time, you will be invited to add your email account. In this case, you can go directly to Set up your email account.

If you are already using Thunderbird, click on Thunderbird in the menu bar and then on Account settings.



In the next window, open the Account Actions drop-down menu at the bottom left and select Add Mail Account



Set up your email account



Enter the following data:

  • Your full name (is displayed to the recipients of your emails)

  • Email address

  • Password

Then click on Continue



Thunderbird will automatically find the remaining settings. Now click on Done



You have successfully set up your e-mail account under Thunderbird.

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