
How do I configure forwarding in my hosting package?

  1. First access the customer center via
  2. Within the Dashboard, under Your Active Products/Services, click Log in to cPanel next to the desired package
  3. Within the cPanel, under Domains click on Redirects
  4. To add a new redirect, first select a Type:
    1. Permanent (301) - with this type, the visitor's browser is informed that the website can now be reached permanently at the new address. Bookmarks will be updated.
    2. Temporary (302) - with this type, the visitor's browser is notified of a temporary redirect. Bookmarks are not updated.
  5. In the https?://(www.)? field, select the domain for which you want to set up the redirect. You can also redirect all domains by selecting ** All public domains **.
  6. In the next field / you can define a specific subpage for the redirection. For example, to redirect the page to another URL, enter directory.file.html in the field.

  7. In the field Redirects to, enter the target address for the redirect.

  8. Under www. redirection: you can define

    1. ... only redirect with www.

    2. ... redirect with or without www.

    3. ... do not redirect www.

  9. Check the Wild Card Redirect box if you want to redirect all files within a directory to the same file name in the new directory. For example, if you activate the Wild Card Redirect setting and redirect to, a visitor who tries to access the URL will be redirected to the URL

  10. Click on Add to activate the redirection

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