
What are the CPU, process and RAM limits at helloly?

Our web hosting packages are suitable for beginners as well as experts and we recommend customers to start with the web hosting start. The performance values are sufficient for most websites. However, if, apart from the memory and account limits, your website has more visitors or the web software you have installed has higher requirements, it is worth comparing the I/O, CPU and virtual RAM limits of our web hosting products.

Important: You can upgrade your web hosting to at any time!

The following information is helpful for experts to decide which helloly web hosting package is suitable. If you require additional performance, please contact our support team and we will be sure to find a suitable solution!

  Webhosting START Webhosting PRO Webhosting PLUS
vCPU Cores 1 2 4
processes 100 200 400
vRAM 1 GB 2 GB 4 GB
IO 100 MBit/s 100 MBit/s 100 MBit/s
IOPS 1024 1024 1024
Inodes ("Files") 250.000 350.000 500.000
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