
How do I create a "Catch all" email address?

Emails sent to an invalid or incomplete address can be forwarded to a central address. This means that you will not miss any emails, even if the sender has mistyped. As long as the information after the @ is correct, you will receive the e-mail.

To activate the "Catch all" function

  1. Log in to the Customer Center at

  2. Within the Dashboard you will find your active products. Select the desired product and click on Log in to cPanel.

  3. Within the Tools section, under Email, click on Default Address.

  4. In the drop-down menu Send all unrouted email* for the following domain: select the desired domain.
    * these are emails with an invalid or incomplete address 

  5. Select the option Forward to Email Address and enter the e-mail address to which all e-mails without a correct addressee should be forwarded.

  6. Confirm with Change.

  • Catch all, Catch-all
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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