Your .com Domain Domain for Business

  The best .COM price in Austria  

helloly® is your .com domain registrar.


Everything included, without additional costs!

  • The domain for all projects!
  • No hidden fees and costs.
  • Anycast DNS server for the high availability of your domain.
  • Online administration of your .com domain including DNS management to forward your domain to an existing website.

.com Price Information .com

First year

€ 1,40/month


€ 1,40/month


€ 1,40/month

Interesting facts about .com-Domains

  .com is the Domain.  

The .com domain is one of the best-known and most widely used top-level domains (TLDs) on the Internet. The abbreviation ".com" stands for "commercial" and was originally developed for commercial websites and companies. Nowadays, however, it is no longer limited to commercial purposes and is used by a wide variety of websites.

A .com domain offers many advantages for website operators. Firstly, it is internationally recognized and globally oriented. This means that your website can be easily found and recognized by people all over the world under the .com domain. The .com domain is well-known among internet users and is often considered the default option when it comes to visiting a website.

In addition, the .com domain is also advantageous from a SEO perspective. Search engines like Google have no preference for specific TLDs, but .com domains often have an advantage due to their history and popularity. Websites with .com domains are often seen as more trustworthy and reputable, which can have a positive impact on ranking in search results.

Top Domains

  • .at€ 0,99
  •€ 0,99
  •€ 0,99
  • .eu€ 0,50
  • .org€ 1,40
  • .de€ 0,90
  • .biz€ 2,00
  • .blog€ 0,90
  • .info€ 2,10
  • .online€ 0,25
  • .site€ 0,25
  • .space€ 2,80
  • .website€ 0,21
  • .shop€ 0,90
  • .email€ 4,20
  • .gmbh€ 4,00
  • .cc€ 1,66
  • .xyz€ 0,90
  • .ch€ 1,25
  • .me€ 1,00
  • .jetzt€ 3,00
  • .digital€ 4,50
  • .click€ 0,90
  • .net€ 1,70
  • .pro€ 2,70
  • .tirol€ 3,58
  • .wien€ 3,49
  • .work€ 1,08

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