
How do I create country-specific VAT rates?

  • Select the Store element on your website
  • In the Right Toolbar, under the Store tab, go for Tax Rules
  • You can now either ...
    • ... rename the already created Tax rule by entering a name into Item Name
    • ... delete the already created Tax rule by clicking onto the X-Symbol
    • ... click +Add object to add a new tax rule
  • Next, add a Destination zone. To do so, click on Add Rate
  • Now click the Pencil for Editing next to your newly created Destination zone
  • Select one of the shipping countries already created or add a new one using the +Add object function
  • Enter an Item Name (e.g. Austria) and select one or moure countries from the drop-down menu Countries and confirm with Apply
  • Now select the desired country from the drop-down list under Destination zone and enter the corresponding tax rate under Rate
  • Delete the previous target zone World by clicking on the X symbol
  • Activate the function Applies to products if the created tax rate applies to products
    • You can also change the Item type to which the tax rate is applied
    • You can also set a Min order amount (USD) from which the tax rate is applied
  • Activate the function Applies to shipping to also apply the specified tax rate to the shipping costs


Note: You can mix different tax rates and define different tax rates for different products: For example, you can create a tax rule for basic groceries with a tax rate of 10% and a tax rule for all other groceries with a tax rate of 20%. When both items are placed in the shopping cart, the respective tax rates are applied.

  • Homepage Baukasten, Website Builder
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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